ESM present at the YES and CAG25 Conferences in Dar es Salaam

Two important geoscientific conferences were held back-to-back from 11 – 15 August 2014, in the Julius Nyerere Conference Centre in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The conferences were attended by the Presidents of the YES Network, Wang Meng and the Geological Society of Africa (GSAf), Aberra Mogessie, both ESM Board members, together with the ESM Executive Director. Both conferences had a good attendance by African geoscientists and by a significant number of colleagues oversees. Apart from the YES Network and the GSAf several major international geoscientific organisations were represented, including the Geological Society of London, the Geological Society of America and EuroGeoSurveys. In Dar-es-Salaam ESM organised meetings for members of the ESM Board and with ESM’s National Focal Points. A plenary presentation was given on bridging geo-generations highlighting the joint ESM-YES BRIDGES Project. That topic gained significant interest also by the Tanzanian Government who invited ESM to kick-off the BRIDGES Project in Tanzania and implementation already started. Another presentation was given on Earth & Art during a special symposium on the power of art in conveying geoscientific messages.

Participants of ESM’s meeting for National Focal Points in Dar es Salaam, August 2014.